Mar 18 2007

Spring Break 2007 Part 5

The day started out a little cooler, with a bit of an overcast sky. This was our last morning at the condo. Mid morning, the kids and I went to a bakery downtown for some coffee and breakfast, and I could get some decent internet. Nice relaxing morning. Afterwards, we rode the bike trail again to the park, letting Ben play for a bit. Finally, we returned, and dropped off the bike trailer at the rental shop, before heading back to the condo. We packed up, and left around 1 pm. We came back the same way we went, stopping at the Castle Creek Winery to pick up some pretty good wine. We arrived back in Grand Junction around 3 pm. On the way back, we listened to another tape of our Desperation book. It is getting weirder and weirder.

After we got back to moms, we unloaded the Durango, then mom and I headed out to get supplies. First we went to Lowe’s to pick up some concrete and other misc. stuff. Then we headed to the opposite side of town to pick up the post hole digger. Finally we went back to Lowe’s to pick up the wire mesh for the fence that we forgot the first time around. We finally got back around 4:30, and we set to work. By 7:30, we had torn out the first section of fence, and had drilled the first 4 holes. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the digging was. I figured we would be hitting all kinds of rocks remembering the days I helped landscape this yard in the first place.

I was a little sore in the evening, having used my arm muscles that I haven’t really had to use for awhile. Lalie cooked a wonderful stir fry for us, and then we played Farkel. Finally, we passed out, and I actually slept through the night! The first time in several days.

Mar 15 2007

Spring Break 2007 Part 4

Today started off as another gorgeous day. I didn’t sleep that well during the night, little Ben came in the middle of the night and pretty much snored away…or it could have been the Tequila keeping me up. Lalie, Robert, and his boys went for there hike at the Fiery Fireplace, leaving about 9, and not planning to be back till around 2. The kids and I hung around the condo for awhile, with me finding one of the internet spots and going through all my email. Finally we decided to go into town for some bike riding. Hannah fixed us a picnic lunch. Of course, I decided to tour around, and skipped taking the highway into town, electing for the back roads.

On this back road, we found a small park, and stopped there for a bit so the kids could play. It was pretty cool, and had a music park where there were some drum type things, and lots of bells the kids could bang on. They had a blast! After this we went downtown, and found a place to rent a bike trailer for Ben, then we hopped on the river trail, and followed it till we got back to the park. Ben played again, and then we all had our picnic lunch. Afterwards we found that the park was actually the end of the trail, and then we headed back. We found a little ice cream store that makes there own, and I even broke down and had an ice cream. We met up with Lalie and the gang there, before heading back to the condo. At the condo, I went for another bike ride up the road from the condo till I hit the end. It wasn’t all that long, maybe ½ mile, but the climb, OMG. Went up about 1,000 feet. There was a 4 wheel drive trail/ bike trail at the end, but it was too sandy to go far.

Later, Lalie and I went for a drive. We wound up getting on some road that took us up to the LaSalle Mountains in short order. Very pretty and still snow up there. When we got back, Robert and the kids were repelling down the rocks behind the condo. Hannah had a blast with that.

For dinner we all went to a little Mexican restaurant in town. Of course, I had another marg. The food was good; I ventured out some and had a steak fajita. Not much excitement for the evening, other than I got back into the hot tub after everyone went to bed so I could soothe my muscles.

Mar 14 2007

Spring Break 2007 Part 3

The wireless internet we are supposed to have at this place is really sporadic. There are only 3 good places we can get wireless, in the upstairs front bedroom – by the window, in the upstairs bathroom, or on the front porch – but only if there are no cars in the driveway!

Today we started off kind of slow, not getting out of the house till about 11:30 am. But before that, Hannah and I went for a bike ride around the surrounding neighborhoods. That felt good, but I can tell I have lost some conditioning over the winter. Our first stop (and only one of the day) was the Arches National Park. I have only been there in my early days, and don’t remember it worth squat. First we stopped at the visitor center so we could register for one of the hikes to the Fiery Fireplace area. The only available hikes were for the next morning, and not recommended for kids under 5. I elect to stay with Ben and Hannah, so that we could go on a bike ride.

After this, we went into the park, which is an immediate 1,000, some odd foot vertical climb. This part itself was breathtaking, and then we motored through the park for a bit before our first stop. The scenery was amazing, and I was able to get several good photographs while cruising along, including some arches in the distance, and some in the formation stages. Our first stop was at the balanced rock. This in itself was gorgeous, with the rock formations, and the vegetation. Ben and Hannah were quite the troopers just hiking along and enjoying the scenery. After this, we went on a 4-wheel drive road back to a remote arch that we had to hike and climb to for a bit. This was about a 2 mile round trip hike and little Ben made it the entire way, climbing up rocks and everything. We stopped here for our picnic lunch. After this, we went to the Delicate Arch overlook, with another 1.5 mile hike, that also climbed quite a bit. Some more spectacular scenery, with Ben and Hannah making it the entire way!

Finally, we went to the end of the road, and hiked to the Landscape Arch, which is the world’s longest arch. This was the longest of the hikes at a little over 2 miles, with quite a bit of vertical change. The coolest part was at the beginning where the trail went between two huge vertical slabs of rock, each rising several hundred feet. Ben was getting tired by this point, so we started him out in the stroller, but he still walked over half the distance. Of course, wherever there was sand, he stopped to play in the dirt. The Landscape Arch itself was spectacular, gracefully arching through the sky. At its narrowest point, it is only about 6 feet thick. They used to let people under it, and to climb on it, but about 10 years ago, several tons of rock sheared off the bottom of the arch (which happened to be photographed by someone from Fort Collins). Since then they have had it closed off, in case more falls off, or the entire arch collapses. After this, we were pretty tired, so we came back to the condo and chilled out for a bit. We had Pizza for dinner.

In the later evening, Lalie, Robert, and I hung out in the hot tub, drinking margaritas and tequila shots, and just staring at the starts. Here in the dark night desert sky, the stars are absolutely amazing…billions of them. How I wish you could have been there to see those. The hot tub was so relaxing, at around 100 degrees. Finally, we all went to bed to get ready for the next day.

Mar 13 2007

Spring Break 2007 Part 2

The day started off beautiful! Sun is out, and it is nice and warm. Robert and his boys planned to meet us around noon or so, for the trip to Moab. During the morning, we spent some time outside. Ben played with mom in the garden dirt with his tractor and dump truck. I worked on measuring out the fence, and trying to figure out how to build it. The hardest part will be in the garden area, working around the grapevines, garden steps, irrigation lines etc. That will be phase 1. The second phase will be around the rest of the yard, which will be pretty easy.

The view from mom’s yard is always gorgeous. She looks at the Colorado Monument, which is always gorgeous.

Robert was a little late, calling us at 12:30 to say he had entered the valley. We then left mom’s to meet up with Robert at the McDonalds in Fruita. We also stopped at the car wash so we could both wash our cars and bikes. Everything got a little dirty in all the snow the day before. We finally got on the road around 2 pm. Instead of taking the direct route, we decided to take route 128, which follows the Colorado River, and is the scenic route. Scenic hardly described it! It was absolutely gorgeous! All the red cliffs were amazing. Not unlike the Glenwood Canyon, but the reds in the rocks were out of this world.

We arrived in Moab around 4, and went straight to the condo. The condo itself is very nice, set into red rocks, to create a very private condo. There is a hot tub just off the master bedroom, which is sure to get some good use. From the condo, we can see red rock cliffs that line the valley, with the snow covered LaSalle Peaks in the background.

For dinner we went to the Moab Brewpub. Service was slow, but the beers and food were very good. I had a Chili Verde Pork Burrito. A little spicy, but very good. Puts the Green Chile Burrito to shame. The rest of the evening was uneventful, where we looked forward to touring the next day.

Mar 13 2007

Spring Break 2007 Part 1

We left the house 1t 9:55 am, 5 min ahead of schedule, a minor miracle for us. We had to make a few stops on the way out of town, the bank – with donuts for the kids, and a coffee shop to get Lalie and me a skinny Latte. So it was about 10:30 before we actually got on the highway.

The trip itself was pretty uneventful. The kids either listened to Hannah’s I pod, or watched a movie on the DVD player. After we got into the mountains, and were out of radio range, Lalie and I listened to a book on tape. This particular one was title Desparation by Stephen King. We got through the first two tapes before we hit Grand Junction. So far, it is about several people who are traveling through the middle of Nowhere in Nevada, and get pulled over by a psycho cop. So far, he has killed two people, but jailed the rest. The cop also seems to have control of the Coyotes, and the Buzzards, calling them at will.

The weather was cloudy, but fairly warm when we left Fort Collins, in the upper 40’s. It stayed that way until we were going up Eisenhower pass, where it began to snow but not heavy enough to cause any major issues. Pretty much the same going up the eastern side of Vail pass, but coming down the western side was a different story. It became blizzard like in a few locations, and I was really thankful we decided to not bring the trailer…for the likelihood of hitting snow in the passes. The uphill side was in worse shape with several jackknifed semis. We found out later that they actually closed the highway shortly thereafter, so we made it through in the nick of time.

We stopped for lunch at the Wendy’s in Edwards, which is pretty much the halfway point. From there, we made it through to GJ with few problems, other than some rain. Once we got there, we sat on the back porch with mom drinking Ice Tea. The weather was partly cloudy, and eventually rained. Mom made a delicious Pork Roast for dinner. Afterwards, we took the kids to Cold Stone for Ice Cream.

All in all a pretty good trip. We did the whole thing in about 5 hours, with only 1 stop. Pretty amazing for us.