Plan Fort Collins

The City of Fort Collins is undertaking two projects this year that will have an impact on the entire city, and on the east side-west side neighborhoods in particular. The first is the update to City Plan, the overall guiding document for landuse within Fort Collins. This project is being dubbed, Plan Fort Collins. You can get more information at the city’s website.

The other project that is being tackeled is studying the design guidelines for the Eastside Westside Neighborhoods. This excerpt is from the City’s website

“Eastside & Westside Neighborhoods Design Standards Study is a study aimed at addressing the impacts of residential development occurring in Fort Collins’ oldest downtown neighborhoods. Small houses are being expanded or replaced, resulting in new houses often significantly larger than the original. This type of development is commonly referred to as “pop-ups” (additions) and “scrape-offs” (demolition/replacements), and is a frequent topic of public discussion since the early 1990s.”

The focus on these projects is on development and redevelopment opportunities within the city. As the city quickly runs out of buildable greenfield sites, there will be more and more pressure to redevelop and so called infill projects. The question is not when or if, but rather how and where it will occur. A big challenge is creating compatibility between existing and new. There will be continued pressures in the old-town area, and significant pressure on the Mason Corridor, and the city is also looking heavily at the so called mid-town area, basically surrounding Foothills Mall.

One of the big things I have been harking on for the last couple of years, is the need for the city to identify areas of town that are appropriate for redevelopment, and those that arn’t. There are significant pressures to rebuild portions of Old Town. There are areas though were redevelopment should be restricted to preserve the character of the neighborhood and town. Old Town itself is a major community identifier for Fort Collins, and is a tourist draw of itself. Mountain Avenue is another of those those areas that has a unique character with a mix of stately and worked homes, wide median, and an historic trolley running the length of the street. Then there areas that are more appropriate for redevelopment, such as Luarel Street across from Colorado State University.

Community dialogue needs to happen to help shape the future direction of not only Fort Collins, but communities across the country. As it becomes less feasible to develop greenfield sites, cities will start to rebuild with higher densities, higher structures, etc. I am in full support of this, but it must be done carefully with careful attention paid to the details of architecture, site planning, space creation, and creating public and private spaces.

5 Responses to “Plan Fort Collins”

  • LD Says:

    Perhaps you should comment on the current status of the proposed amendment to the land use plan. From my perspective, the proposal is a moving target at the moment and until this is more clearly defined, the City Council should not approve the revised size restriction.

  • Terence Hoaglund, ASLA Says:

    LD, to be honest, I havn’t really kept up with the minutia of Plan Fort Collins, as I have been heavily involved in the Green Building Codes Committee and some other stuff. The City has recently asked me fore some input on some aspects though.

    That said, while the policies may or may not be good, it is my opinion that it is what ends up in the land use code that dictates more of what will really happen.

  • Ali Says:

    I spoke to Jeff at the UDC presentation. Seems like a rlleay nice guy. Kudos to him for taking the bull by the horn and creating something awesome for Merion Village. I lived there for 3 or 4 years a while back and it is a great neighborhood. Columbus: Indie Art Capital of the World

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