Built Green Homes – Straw Bale Style!

Here is a new twist in the green building movement, at least as far as I know. A Boulder based builder is planning to build 12 straw bale homes in a new urbanist project in Fort Collins, called Old Town North.

The first home that Merten Homes is planning on building is a 3,035 square foot 3-story home that is pictured to the left. This will be followed by a 2 story home next door. As of this point in time, I don’t know what the asking price is, but I am highly curious to see these homes constructed. As far as I know, this will be the first attempt by a builder in this area to build straw-bale homes in a multi-home setting, and particularly in an urban environment. Talk about the ultimate in sustainability!

As with the habitat homes, I will follow the construction of these homes, and post updates and pictures, and most curiously, about the structure of these units! And of course, I will be very interested in how the market will react to these units! Stayed Tuned!

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